Monday, 28 November 2016

Oracle IExpense Online Training


Oracle IExpense Online Training course designed to make you an expert in Oracle IExpense and learn all that is required to automate many administrative tasks, including company policy compliance for expense reporting, expense account defaulting, per diem and mileage rate calculations, and end user notifications.
IExpenses is basically an extension Oracle Payables. Employee and Contingent Worker expense reports become supplier invoices and get paid from Payables. You will need following responsibilties to set up Internet Expenses: Payables Manager, Internet Expenses Setup and Administration, System Administration, Application Developer, and AX Developer. If you are also planning on charging expense reports to projects, you will also need Project Billing Super User and General Ledger Super User responsibilities. You will also need access to Oracle Workflow Builder to customize the Expenses workflow and Project Expense Reports Account Generator.

Oracle R12 IExpense Training Curriculum

Product Introduction

Describe the expense reporting process
Describe the advantages of using Internet Expenses
Describe the product features

Application Integration Setup

Identify the base application requirements for Oracle Internet Expense (OIE)
Discuss integration and implementation with Oracle Application Object Library, Human Resources, System Administration and Payables
Describe implementation when integrating with Oracle Projects, Grants Accounting and Approvals Management

Oracle Internet Expenses Setup

Setup Schedules
Define expense report templates
Select operating units
Setup locations
Describe future-dated expenses, and approval communication languages setup
Setup exchange rates behavior and expense fields
Customize expenses entry client extensions

Taxes Setup and Processing

Setup tax calculations
Setup VAT merchant fields
Automatically create tax distributions

Audit Automation Setup and Management

Setup audit rule sets
View and maintain audit list
Create and assign audit list rule sets
Describe the audit list API and audit reasons API

Manager Approvals

Describe Approvals Management Engine (AME)
Describe the AME routing process
Describe the AME setup steps
Describe the Approval Client Extension

Disconnected Expense Spreadsheet Configuration

Use the disconnected expense report process
Configure the Microsoft Excel template
Test your custom Microsoft Excel template

Internet Expenses Workflow Processes

Describe, setup and use the Expenses workflow
Describe, setup and use the Credit Cards workflow
Initiate the deferred workflow processes

Credit Cards Setup

Establish credit card programs
Define programs and accounts
Create employee matching rules
Select loading and validation method
Perform credit card expense type mapping
Use card expense type mapping
Describe credit card policies setup

Credit Card Administration

Discuss the credit card process flows and processing tasks
Describe and perform credit card transactions accounting
Manage credit card transactions

iExpense Reporting & Analysis

Understand the reporting options in Internet Expenses


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